Cloud computing is becoming an increasing trend for websites, but are the advantages of colocation over the cloud worth it? Most experts agree that there are many benefits to using colocation. In this article, you will learn about how a colocation facility works, the pros and cons of cloud vs. colocation, and some factors that should be considered before making your decision as to which type of hosting is right for you.

What is Colocation?
Colocation (AKA Colo) is a data center where people owning businesses and organizations rent servers over which the user has complete control. The services provided by the company are management and maintenance of the server for a monthly fee. It uses its infrastructure and bandwidth for data processing. For example, Coloco provides the best services and affordable plans to help manage your data efficiently.
1. Reliable
These data centers use a strong infrastructure as compared to other facilities. High-ranking colocation providers guarantee 24 hours uptime which makes them very reliable to use.f
2. Versatility
Data centers can accommodate multiple tenants at once without the fear of overheating as it consists of a cooling infrastructure to support data processing. Moreover, the biggest advantage you can get is that the infrastructure of the server is being managed by the colocation provider, which in turn frees up your company’s IT team allowing them to work on other products and services.
3. Efficiency
When opting for the service, you not only get space to store data, but also get access to the power and cooling infrastructure. This keeps the cost affordable and helps save you money because of optimization as well as energy efficiency.K
1. Lack of Control
Although a colocation service gives you access to everything, many companies often do not provide their customers with the information they need regarding the power and bandwidth being used. Coloco provides you with every piece of information and has no hidden prices, therefore, being a trustworthy service.
2. Customer Service
Using data centers and other such services leads to having great customer service. A provider can be less responsive and be unable to fix technical issues that your company requires if not managed well.