Are you relocating your office, or have you just discovered that most of your customers are based outside metropolitan areas? If the answer to any of these questions is yes, this write-up is for you. The location of your business IT infrastructure matters a lot. So, we have researched the latest colocation service, edge colocation. What is it, how it works, and the benefits; let’s dive deep into the discussion.

What is Edge Colocation?
As you must know, colocation is the renting of space in a data center for the IT infrastructure of your business. Edge colocations refer to the same process, but it is situated in two-tier market areas. Traditional colocation providers are located in metropolitan areas. With your IT structure based on crowded urban areas, you will need high bandwidth if you want to reach underserved two-tier markets.
How Does Edge Colocation Work?
If you are willing to reach markets located in far-reached areas, traditional data centers won’t work. It is because these colocation providers are geographically away from your users. While your users try to connect with your business, this geographical gap would lead to high latency. Latency is the difference between request and response. It is a proven fact that if you can’t provide your customers with a swift response, you lose them. For low latency, edge colocation is the ultimate solution. All you need to do is research your customer base, and if it is located in two-tier areas, go for edge data centers. It brings your business resources closer to users/customers, and consequently, enhancing the user experience.
What are the Benefits of Edge Colocation?
Edge colocation has grown significantly over the past years. It is because of two reasons. Firstly, the constant evolution of data center methodologies. Secondly, the advantageous nature of edge data centers. It offers the following benefits,
- The hardware requires fewer resources compared to traditional data centers.
- The security arrangements are not compromised.
- Offering lower bandwidth and security similar to traditional colocation, it is a cost-effective option.
- You can maximize ROI by customizing the bandwidth (which isn’t allowed in typical colocation).
Bottom Line
Choosing a colocation service is never an easy pill to swallow. Since you are trusting the colocation provider with the whole IT infrastructure of your business, it should be reliable like Edge colocation is a newer branch of colocation. So while looking for it, pay special attention to the reliability of the service provider.