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At its core, a data center is a storage facility where companies store their essential applications and data. A data center is made up of computer networks and storage hardware. They allow shared applications to be delivered and information to be stored securely. This generally consists of routers, storage systems, servers, and firewalls.

What Defines a Modern Data Center?

Data centers have changed dramatically in the last few years. Most organizations have moved their infrastructure away from on-site physical servers to third-party managed services that pool resources to offer far more power and capabilities.

Types of Data Centers

There are several different types of data centers available that businesses can take advantage of for their infrastructure needs. Four main types of data centers stand out:

Enterprise Data Centers

Enterprise data centers are the natural evolution of on-premise servers; built, owned, and operated by organizations and optimized specifically for them. They are often housed within the same campus or suite of buildings as the enterprise themselves.

Managed Services Data Centers

Managed services data centers are managed and maintained by a service provider. The organization rents equipment and infrastructure from their MSP rather than investing in the hardware themselves.

Cloud Data Centers

Cloud data centers host applications and data using cloud service providers. This removes data from physical hardware (at least as far as the organization is concerned). It also puts management responsibility squarely in the hands of external providers.

Colocation Data Centers

Colocation is an interesting blend of third-party management and off-site hardware that still allows organizations to retain control of their data. Colo centers rent space within a large data facility to companies. They provide all the necessary infrastructure while the company provides and manages the hardware itself.

Colocation lets organizations benefit from economies of scale when it comes to security and infrastructure. This happens all while still maintaining ownership and control of their servers and data.

Why are data centers important to business?

Last but not least, enterprise IT requires significant IT infrastructure, and on-premise servers usually can’t provide sufficient capabilities for serious growth and business success. Data centers support everything from

  • Email and file sharing.
  • Productivity.
  • CRMs.
  • Databases.
  • AI.
  • Virtual environments.
  • Speed.
  • Capacity.
  • Functionality.

In conclusion, to find out more about data centers and what the future for your business looks like, get in touch with Coloco today!