Outsourcing data storage and server needs is an increasingly popular and sensible decision for businesses of all shapes and sizes. From new startups to well-established enterprise-level organizations. Colocation data centers like Coloco offer a whole host of benefits for companies. From reducing costs and providing higher bandwidth to allowing and driving scalability and growth. But not all colocation providers are created equally. In order for your business to thrive, and to really take advantage of the benefits of your ‘data hotel’, you need to know what to look for. Here are a few things to consider when choosing your colocation data center.
One of the most important aspects of colocation is price. Freeing up physical space in your office and letting someone else take the strain of looking after your servers can be cost-saving, but you should shop around and make sure you are getting a good deal.
Coloco’s racking packages start at $295 a month, with plenty of flexibility to grow!
Choosing to outsource your data servers gives you access to far higher processing speeds than most SMEs could possibly achieve in-house, so make sure that you take full advantage. Look for a provider who can offer capacity of at least 100 Gbps, and ideally more. You want your business to be running at full speed at all times! Coloco guarantees over 150 Gbps, so you’ll never have to worry about delays or lag.
Multiple transit providers
IP transit providers integrate your service into a local network, allowing you to achieve LAN transfer speeds, unlike some colocation providers who use onsite hardware or VPN connections. This provides a fantastically consistent connection and experience across your network environments, and with multiple providers, you can ensure that you avoid disruption or downtime if one path fails.

Purpose-built center
The average data center in the United States is around 18 years old. This means you would be putting your trust in hardware and infrastructure put in place back when Blu-Ray discs were the Next Big Thing. Choosing a data center that has been purpose-built (and ideally upgraded recently) gives you confidence that it can handle all of your potential needs.
24/7 monitoring, that’s what the best data centers provide. To ensure proper physical security and to keep the network running at full capacity. Coloco’s locations guarantee top-of-the-line physical security. As well as 24/7 human network monitoring, giving you peace of mind at all times.